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University: IGNOU
Course: Master of Business Administration
Q&A of Mba MS-26 Solved Assignment 2022 - Organizational Dynamics
Q. Discuss the different theoretical perspectives regarding in groups. Group is a means to accomplish tasks/ goals. Elaborate and explain.
Q. Explain the concept of role in relation to role Space and role Set. How does role become a source of conflict, explain with your own experience.
Q. What do you understand by the term Empowerment? Explain why empowerment is needed at various levels.
Q. Explain the concept of culture, and discuss the underlying assumptions. What are the functions of organizational culture? Why is it important for an organization?
Q. What are the key issues relating to each of the major dimensions of diversity? What should companies do in dealing with diversity with examples?
Product Details: MS-26 Solved Assignment 2022
Course: Ignou MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Session: Jan - June 2022 July - Dec
Subject: Organizational Dynamics
Old Sample Answers of Mba Ignou MS-26 Assignments
Q. What is Delegation?
Answer.Delegation is the transfer of responsibility for a specific task from you to one of your employees. It can either be a one-time or a continuing responsibility. This means that you'll depend on the employee to handle that task and meet the required performance standards......... Delegation is different. It takes place when you deliberately give someone the authority to carry out a piece of work which you could have decided to keep and carry out yourself. Bear in mind that what you are doing is allocating authority to carry out a task and make the decisions this involves. You are still accountable for the results achieved........ Delegation is a process that can follow a sequence from total control (no freedom of action for the individual to whom work has been allocated) to...... You delegate tasks that you don't need to do yourself. You are not just ridding yourself of the difficult, tedious or unrewarding tasks. Neither are you trying to win for yourself an easier life. Delegation will, in fact, make your life more difficult, but also more rewarding........ The main problem is that delegation often involves risk. You cannot be absolutely sure that the person to whom you have delegated something will carry out the work as you would wish. The temptation therefore is to over-supervise......
Q. Explain the stages of group development.
Answer. Being live entities, groups go through a process of evolution, beginning with their birth and moving through maturity, decline, and death. These stages are by no means watertight or even sequential. A brief explanation....... Groups may not go through stages sequentially, some stages may be skipped and/or they may get stuck in others or go round in cycles. Many factors impact on a group. For example, new people join a group and people....... A permanent group in its evolution needs to go through 5 distinct stages (Tuckman 1965). Each one of these stages is identified with dominant task-related and maintenance issues. In a temporary group, a fifth phase is also added. These phases are:
Forming: The initial phase in group formation is the addition of members in a group for a particular objective. The key thought in this stage is to concentrate on the task at hand and the utilization of resources to finish it. Members are just seeking to know each other, to build up connection. Everyone seems to be very cautious at this phase and each one is trying to find guidance about how to go ahead. The quest for the power-centre or leader also may start at this stage.
Storming: As participants obtain clarity with regards to the techniques of doing the job, there could be arguments about the process involved, the way resources are utilized, and their own lack of abilities and skills to complete the task. Among the participants themselves, there could possibly be personality clashes, ego hassles, friction in the interpersonal relationship, being unable to accept the leader's power, thus creating some level of dissonance among the group members.
Q. What do you understand by Transformational Leaders?
Answer. Transformational leaders are focused on the long-term, identifying value-based outcomes that in the future will require changes to transactional processes and procedures in order to be obtained. More often than not, because of complex business issues and challenges..... Transformational leaders are assumed to be charismatic as well as intellectually stimulating, inspirational, and so forth; thus, to understand how charismatic leaders develop or transform others....... Transformational leadership empowers individuals to significantly surpass their prior levels of accomplishment. This dynamic and innovative leadership style challenges and motivates a whole organization - top to bottom. They put enthusiasm and energy into everything. They are concerned about people and want individuals to succeed. The result is individual, group, and organizational achievement beyond expectations.... Email or call us to get Mba Ignou MS-26 Solved Assignment of Organizational Dynamics
It is obvious that having the ability to inspire people, stimulate them to think in a different way and pay attention to their requirements are great ways for a leader to behave. If you have good content and integrity and can present a case for change with sufficient enthusiasm to inspire people, you're more likely to win them over than if your communication style is sleep-inducing. Being inspirational is best in situations where there is no evidence or the facts are unclear.....
Q. Write a note on strategic alliances.
Answer. Strategic alliances are collaborative efforts by two or more companies in which each company maintains its own independence. They are really contractual agreements between two legally separate entities that provide for sharing of costs and benefits of some mutually beneficial business activity......... An example was the strategic alliance between game-maker Zynga and Facebook. As documented in Facebook's IPO filing in January..... Strategic alliances tend to be more popular in some industries than others. For instance, we often see them in the airline, computer, and pharmaceutical sectors. Air carriers that are looking to provide a larger geographical network of flights than what their supply of aircraft can handle often decide to join airline alliances. The airlines can preserve their independence while sharing routes, thus enabling each airline to draw travellers seeking to travel beyond the limit of the alliance partners. The airlines then appear to travellers to be larger than they really are......