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University: IGNOU
Course: Master of Business Administration
Q&A of MS-92 Solved Assignment 2023 - Management of Public Enterprises
Q. Briefly discuss the various organizational forms of Public Sector Enterprises.
Q. Discuss the ways in which government control is exercised in Public Sector enterprises.
Q. Discuss the methods of Parliamentary Control of Public Sector enterprises with special reference to the following:
(a) Legislative Questions
(b) Legislative Debates
Q. There are several factors which have to be taken into account while trying to develop approaches to evaluate the performance of Public Enterprises. Discuss.
Q. Explain the following marketing concepts with reference to Public Enterprises:
(a) Marketing Mix
(b) Market Segmentation
Q. Discuss the various strategies used for disinvestments. How is privatization different from liberalization? Explain.
Product Details: Mba MS-92 Solved Assignment 2023
Course: IGNOU MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Session: Jan - June 2023 July - Dec
Subject: Management of Public Enterprises
Ignou Mba MS-92 Assignments - Old Sample Answers
Q. What is industrial sickness?
Answer. Industrial bankruptcy is a global phenomenon. The phenomenon of industrial sickness, both in large and small industries has become alarming in recent years.......
The progressive increase in industrial sickness has been causing considerable concern not only to the governments, banks and financial institutions but also financial embarrassment to the industrial units by seriously threatening their......
Improper project handling, ineffective management, lack of adequate resources, lack of advance technology, day to day changing govt....... policies give birth to industrial sickness. Hence, the banks that finance those industries ultimately end up with a low recovery of their loans reducing their profit and liquidity......
Enterprises have to compete in the domestic market with multinational companies (MNCs) and large-scale corporation (LSCs) on all fronts viz. cost of production, quality, technology, marketing network, price wars and so on. Besides, liberalisation in imports of capital goods and related components have exerted further pressure on the existing market.......
The exogenous factors causing sickness relate to government policies pertaining to production, distribution and prices; change in the investment pattern following new priorities in the plans; shortage of power, transport, raw materials; deteriorating industrial relations. Such factors are likely to affect all units.......... Get Ignou Mba MS-92 Solved Assignment Management of Public Enterprises for 2023 July - Dec ....
The endogenous factors causing sickness are generally mismanagement, diversion of funds, wrong dividend policy, excessive overheads, lack of provision for depreciation of machinery and other equipment, over estimation of demand...... Other major reasons for sickness are marketing problems, faulty management practices and product planning, scarce raw materials, labour trouble, absence of a defined regulated market, lack of credibility in terms of quality and standards, incompatibility of product range with market need, non-availability of adequate and timely credit facilities, pricing and taxation polices of the government, poor competitive edge in the market, and so on.........
Poor working conditions and inadequate efficient and skilled manpower are some of the causes for sickness. The other causes are diversion of funds for unproductive activities, dissension among partners, and overdependence on purchase by the government..........
Q. Write a note on Disinvestment.
Answer. Historically, the public sector in India had been assigned an important role in the industrial development of the country........ But, over the years, in the context of many PSUs incurring huge losses due to low productivity, unsatisfactory quality of goods, excessive manpower utilization, inadequate human resource development and low rate of return on capital, lost the justification for their existence, and in any case, the continued government support they have been enjoying with.........
Disinvestment is generally expected to achieve a greater inflow of private capital and the use of private management practices in PSUs, as well as enable more effective monitoring of management discipline by private shareholders. Disinvestment of government equity in public sector....... The government resorts to privatisation with multiple objectives. The major objectives sought by this exercise are as.......